OSMA Membership Application Form

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Has the company previously held membership in Orthopaedic Surgical Manufacturers Association (OSMA)?
If as an OSMA member, the company membership lapsed due to not maintaining its annual dues, the Company shall not be eligible for membership until such past dues are paid. If the membership was terminated, the Company shall not be eligible until it has passed the termination period and, if applicable, remedied the issue causing termination.

Primary Representative (Designated Voting Member):


Secondary Representative:


Annual membership dues are assessed on the company’s Global Gross Annual Sales as shown in the table below. A company with multiple divisions should determine which employees will be participating and assess the sales based on which divisions will participate with OSMA. The applicant must specify which divisions are being represented.

Annual dues will be pro-rated based on the quarter the company is accepted for membership, i.e. the company is accepted on May 15, dues will be pro-rated for three (3) quarters.

Please check the box that describes the company’s global gross annual sales.

Global Gross Annual Sales
Upon acceptance of membership, the company agrees to adhere to the Antitrust Guidelines and Membership Responsibilities (previously supplied) of the Orthopaedic Surgical Manufacturers Association.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.